Training Courses Facial Diagnostics & Biochemistry in Kemmenau Germany
1. General
These Terms & Conditions shall apply to all deliverables within the framework of our training courses facial diagnostics & biochemistry in Kemmenau Germany. Alternative terms and conditions of the client shall only be valid if they have been confirmed in writing by Friedrich Depke Naturheilzentrum e. K. Oral agreements and side agreements shall also require written confirmation.
2. Application
The application shall take place on the provided form. You will subsequently receive confirmation of your application. The number of participants is limited.
3. Prices/Payment
The seminar fees are final prices, which include statutory VAT of currently 19 %. Travel and accommodation costs are not included in the seminar fees.
The seminar fees are due prior to commencement of the seminar via SEPA bank transfer to our account with Volksbank Rhein-Lahn-Limburg IBAN DE22 5709 2800 0201 6651 16, BIC GENODE51DIE. We only accept payments outside the Single European Payment Area (SEPA) via TransferWise.
The allocation of the seminar places shall follow in the order of receipt of payment. Should the transfer of payment not have been effected when the seminar is already booked out, we will immediately inform you thereof and the seminar fees will be reimbursed.
4. Booking Discounts
A repeat booking discount of 50 % will be offered if the training course is repeated.
5. Accommodation
Accommodation in different price categories is available in Kemmenau and in Bad Ems which is 5km away. We will be happy to send you a list of suitable accommodation options.
6. Cancellation
In the case of cancellation of the application, the already paid seminar fees will be reimbursed. Subsequently, there is the option of making an application for a replacement participant or of repeating the seminar at a later date.
If participation in an already commenced seminar has to be broken off, the missing time can be repeated in a later seminar.
In the event of cancellation of the seminar by the organiser due to illness, too few participants, Act of God or for other reasons, all amounts paid up to that point in time will be reimbursed. Other compensation claims shall be ruled out.
7. Miscellaneous
Each seminar is self-contained. Participation is possible for all interested parties! Our seminars are characterised by decades of therapeutic experience in dealing with Schüssler tissue salts and facial diagnostics and specially for the training of therapists and of lay people seeking help by way of self-help.
The practice of facial diagnostics is subject to statutory provisions and may only be carried out in Germany by doctors and natural health practitioners (Heilpraktiker). Please observe the statutory provisions in your home country.
Photographs, sound recordings and filming during seminars are not permitted!
For the purpose of better differentiation of the facial diagnostics colourations, wearers of spectacles require untinted, anti-glare spectacle lenses.
During the seminar, all participants’ faces must be free of creams, ointments, make-up, lipstick, mascara, other cosmetics or anything else that can be put on the face!
8. Final Provisions
Should a provision of this Agreement be legally invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision that comes closest to the intended provision.
With your signature, you acknowledge these Terms & Conditions.
The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. The sole place of jurisdiction shall be 56112 Lahnstein/Germany.
Version: 26 February 2024