Fri, 25 May 2018 - Sun, 27 May 2018
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Ankara Hilton
Tahran Caddesi No 12 Kavaklidere
06700 Ankara
Course Director:
Friedrich Depke
German, simultaneous translation into Turkish
- Introducing theoretical facial diagnostics and the basic working mechanisms of the original eleven Schuessler cell salts.
- Practical application of facial diagnostics and generating facial diagnoses.
- Prescribing and dosing mineral salts in critical or chronical cases.
- We teach along the original guidelines of Kurt Hickethier, the founder of the theory of facial diagnostics.
For the purpose of better differentiation of the facial diagnostics colourations, wearers of spectacles require untinted, anti-glare spectacle lenses.
During the seminar, all participants’ faces must be free of creames, ointments, make-up, lipstick, mascara, other cosmetics or anything else that can be put on the face.
If you are interested in the seminar, feel free to contact us. We will directly forward your request to our partners in Turkey.